Climate Ready - Technical and Community Advisory Committee

Board Description
Board Composition:The SA Climate Ready Technical & Community Advisory Committee is comprised of 24 Members total. All are voting members and are serving on 2 year terms. NOTE: Por favor, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Sustentabilidad al 210.207.6103 o si necesita ayuda al llenar la solicitud, o si desea una copia de la solicitud en Español.
Appointed by:City Council
District; At-Large; Mayoral Appointment:At-large
Categories:Organizational members include CPS Energy; San Antonio Water System; VIA Metropolitan Transit; San Antonio River Authority; and Joint Base San Antonio. At-large members should have the following preferred expertise: Energy Generation/Distribution, High Performance/Green Buildings, Vehicle Technology, Active Transportation/Mobility/ Accessibility, Food Systems, Urban Planning and Land Use, Historic Preservation/Cultural Heritage, Waste and Consumption, Natural Systems: Water/Green Infrastructure/Forestry/Biodiversity, Public Health, Climate Science, Educational Institutions, Neighborhood Representative, Business and Industry, Social/Environmental/Climate/Racial Justice, and Environmental Advocacy. Members shall serve two-year terms, for a maximum of two consecutive terms, or a total of four years. Terms are coterminous with Council. No member may be appointed to the Committee should their service exceed four full years. Chair and Vice Chair serve one-year terms. The Chair and Vice Chair are not limited on number of terms served as Chair and Vice Chair; however, they must comply with the overall maximum terms for members of the Committee.
Mission/Purpose:The mission for the SA Climate Ready Technical & Community Advisory Committee includes advising City Staff and City Council on the implementation of the SA Climate Ready Plan, and long-term sustainability plans, such as the SA Tomorrow Sustainability Plan. The Committee is designed to provide expertise, diverse perspectives, and input regarding implementation of the SA Climate Ready Plan as the City works to achieve greenhouse gas reduction and adaptation goals.
Meeting Schedule & Location:Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every other month from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The meetings may take place virtually and in-person (in the Municipal Plaza B Room and Pre-K for SA) and are held in the San Antonio River Authority Boardroom and Council Briefing Room.
Website Information:Meetings are held in-person quarterly at 100 W. Houston at City Tower.
Ordinance/Articles of Incorporation/By Laws:Ordinance 2019-10-17-0840
Ordinance 2019-12-12-1066
SA Climate Ready: A Pathway for Climate Action and Adaptation

Liaison: Zabrina Rapozo - (210) 207-6199

NameDistrictAppointed DateDate Expires
Ms Dolores Belmares At Large10/08/202005/31/2021
Dr. Neil Debbage At Large10/08/202005/31/2021
Mr. Jesus Garcia-Gonzalez At Large10/08/202005/31/2021
Mr. Stephen Hooper Lucke At Large10/08/202005/31/2021
Mr Marvin Warren Pair At Large10/08/202005/31/2021
Dr Jimmy Perkins At Large10/08/202005/31/2021
Mr John Plescia At Large10/08/202005/31/2021
Mrs Angela Donaubauer Rodriguez At Large10/08/202005/31/2021
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Vacancy At Large  12/21/2023
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Vacancy    05/31/2023
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Vacancy At Large  05/31/2021
Mr Richard Ryan Weber At Large10/08/202005/31/2021

Total Members for Climate Ready - Technical and Community Advisory Committee: 24 City of San Antonio - Agenda Details Printable Version