Employee Management Committee

Board Description
Board Composition:The EMC is made up of three (3) department directors on a rotating basis, the City Manager or designee, the Human Resources director or designee, employee association representatives and one (1) employee representative from each of the seven (7) represented Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) categories.
Appointed by:City Manager; Registered Employee Organization; and EEO Representative appointed by election
District; At-Large; Mayoral Appointment:Other
Mission/Purpose:The Employee Management Committee (EMC) was established by ordinance in August 2004 to provide a structured communication process by which the City and its employees can discuss matters pertaining to wages, hours of work, and other conditions of employment.
Meeting Schedule & Location:Quarterly, City Tower
Website Information:https://www.sanantonio.gov/EmployeeInformation/Relations/EMC
Ordinance/Articles of Incorporation/By Laws:99630

Liaison: Laura Palmer - (210) 207-0089

NameDistrictAppointed DateDate Expires
Mr. Roger Arnold Other10/01/201909/30/2021
Mr. Robert Jones Other10/01/201909/30/2021
Ms. Elizabeth Rios Other10/01/201909/30/2021
Mr. Henry Bassuk Other12/01/201609/30/2021
Ms. Rachel Cavazos Other10/01/201909/30/2021
Ms. Alma Cunningham Other02/01/200509/30/2021
Ms. Renee Frieda Other02/28/201309/30/2021
Ms. Victoria Garcia Other10/01/201910/06/2025
Mrs. Florence Harper-Owens Other10/01/201909/30/2021
Mr. Heber Lefgren Other09/30/201909/30/2021
Mr. David McCary Other08/01/200909/30/2021
Mr. Ivan Munoz Other10/01/201909/30/2021
Mr. Stephen Paez Other10/01/201909/30/2021
Mr. Jorge Perez Other05/30/201209/30/2021
Mr. Homero Perez Other10/01/201909/30/2021
Mr. Rudy Rosales Other02/01/200509/30/2021
Mr. Cresencio Sandoval Other07/29/201609/30/2021
Mr. Manuel Serrano Other10/01/201909/30/2021
Ms. Lori Steward Other07/13/201509/30/2021
Mr. Roger Tamez Other10/01/201909/30/2021
Vacancy Other  09/30/2021
Ms. Sheri Van Horsen Other10/01/201909/30/2021

Total Members for Employee Management Committee: 22 City of San Antonio - Agenda Details Printable Version