Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission

Board Description
Board Composition:The Commission is made up of three members who serve staggered 3-year terms. A person appointed to the Commission must be of good moral character, a United States citizen, a resident of the City of San Antonio for more than three years, over the age of 25, and have not held a public office within the last three years. The Commission members are appointed by City Manager and confirmed by City Council. Commissioners may serve up to three 3-year consecutive terms with additional terms subject to 2/3 majority approval of City Council.
Appointed by:City Manager; City Council
District; At-Large; Mayoral Appointment:Other
Mission/Purpose:The purpose of the Fire Fighters’ and Police Officers’ Civil Service Commission is to secure efficient Fire and Police Departments composed of capable personnel who are free from political influence and who have permanent employment tenure as public servants. The Commission administers the civil service aspects of Chapter 143 in accordance with this purpose. State Civil Service Laws (Chapter 143) applies to cities that have a population greater than 10,000, a paid Fire and/or Police Department, and a citizen-approved adoption of civil service through an election. The City voted in 1987 to adopt civil service for the Police and Fire Departments. The Commission develops, adopts and enforces rules necessary to carry out the intent of the law.
Meeting Schedule & Location:The Commission holds regular meetings on the second Monday of each month. Special meetings may also be called for matters such as promotional test appeals, appeals of applicants to the Fire and Police departments, or disciplinary action appeals from Fire and Police uniformed personnel.
Website Information:
Ordinance/Articles of Incorporation/By Laws:TX Gov Code Ch 143

Liaison: Sarah Bilger - (210) 207-8719

NameDistrictAppointed DateDate Expires
Mrs. Francine Prosser-Johnson Other12/16/201012/19/2025
Mrs. Valerie Jean Sprague Other11/09/202312/19/2027
Mr. Leland Eugene Wingert Other11/15/201812/19/2026

Total Members for Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission: 3 City of San Antonio - Agenda Details Printable Version