Prosper West San Antonio

Board Description
Board Composition:The Prosper West San Antonio Board of Directors is comprised of 18 Members: Three Residents from Districts 1, 5, 6 or 7; two At-Large Citizen Members; one SAISD Representative; one Edgewood ISD Representative; three University Representatives (St. Mary's, OLLU, UTSA); one University Health System Representative; three Small Business Representatives; one Large Business Representative; one Non-Profit Business Representative; one Financial Institution Representative; one Real Estate Developer Representative; and Councilmembers from Council Districts 1, 5, 6, and 7 who serve as non-voting Ex-Officio Members and form the Board's Nomination Committee. Members serve two-year, staggered terms of office.
Appointed by:Nominated by City Councilmembers from Districts 1, 5, 6 and 7 and approved by City Council.
District; At-Large; Mayoral Appointment:At-Large; Other; Designation
Categories:Representatives from a cross-section of local Westside stakeholders including small and large businesses, neighborhood residents, educational institutions, non-profit, health, and housing organizations.
Mission/Purpose:The mission of Prosper West San Antonio is to foster economic development, promote the development and redevelopment of real estate within its target area, create viable urban communities, and preserve the character, culture, and history of the Westside.
Meeting Schedule & Location:Board Meetings are held on the last Thursday of the month at 3:30 PM and may be subject to change. The location varies; however, it is updated on the Agenda. Please refer to the posted agenda to obtain meeting details at 610 SW 41st SW St Bldg. B and on our website at
Website Information:For more information, please visit:
Ordinance/Articles of Incorporation/By Laws:2006-06-08-0695

Liaison: Bethany Anderson - (321) 443-3384

NameDistrictAppointed DateDate Expires
Councilmember Marina Alderete Gavito (Ex-Officio) Other06/21/202305/31/2025
Councilmember Melissa Cabello Havrda (Ex-Officio) Other06/01/202305/31/2025
Councilmember Teri Castillo (Ex-Officio) Other06/01/202305/31/2025
Mr. Manuel Diaz Garza At Large02/09/202311/28/2023
Councilmember Sukh Kaur (Ex-Officio) Other06/21/202305/31/2025
Mr. Shawn Rodrick McSherry At Large12/03/202011/28/2024
Dr. Yolanda Reyes Guevara At Large02/09/202311/28/2024
Vacancy At Large  11/28/2023
Mr. Phillip Chavez At Large02/23/201811/28/2024
Ms. Hazel L. Davis At Large05/11/201711/28/2023
Ms. Theresa De La Haya At Large05/19/201111/28/2024
Mr. Lauro De Leon Jr.At Large05/11/201711/28/2023
Mr. John Patrick Hernden At Large12/03/202011/28/2024
Ms. Naedean Herrera At Large02/09/202311/28/2023
Ms. Megan N. Legacy At Large05/11/201711/28/2024
Ms. Susana Llamas Lozano At Large02/09/202311/28/2023
Vacancy At Large  11/28/2024
Vacancy At Large  11/28/2021
Vacancy At Large  11/28/2023
Vacancy At Large  11/28/2023
Dr. Stephanie G Ward At Large02/09/202311/28/2024
Mr. Daniel J. Yoxall At Large10/16/201411/28/2024

Total Members for Prosper West San Antonio: 23 City of San Antonio - Agenda Details Printable Version